MUSA Rec Soccer Registration will be done via the MUSA online registration system. Please complete your player’s registration during the ONLINE period; we use this information to build the team rosters.
1. Please take the time to review our Parent/Player Code of Conduct and Pledge.
- Essential information you will need before completing the registration process that are available via the links on the side of this page.
2. Please organize the following information before registering:
- Player Information: name, age, grade, date of birth, gender
- Parents/Guardians: Parents'/Guardians' names
- Home of Record: Parent address(es) - if different, please use the Primary as the address where the player primarily lives
- Telephone phone numbers: Parent Home phone, work phone & parent mobile phone numbers
- E-mail addresses: Parent(s) E-mail addresses to receive coordination and notification messages from MUSA and coaches
- Emergency Contact: Name and phone numbers of a person to notify in an emergency
- Head & shoulders photo (highly recommended for Travel Soccer players)
- Uniform Sizes (highly recommended for Travel Soccer players)
3. Registration Process:
To register online,
- Returning members click the "REGISTER NOW" button on the left side of this page to begin the registration process. Select "I have registered for MUSA's programs using Demosphere previously", press the "CONTINUE" button.
- New members click the "REGISTER NOW" button on the left side of this page to begin the registration process. Select "I have not registered for MUSA via the Demosphere application before ( first time users)", press the "CONTINUE" button. Create a new master account and login for yourself in the PARENTS name, enter in your first player's information to create a MUSA account.
- Login to your account and proceed with registration process.
- Register yourself as a volunteer, by choosing yourself when prompted: "Who would you like to register?"
- When you complete this step, click on "Add another registration" to add your player(s) into the system.
- Then click on your player to see registration options, choose the appropriate development program, and then complete this registration interview to register your child for the upcoming season or event.
We begin assigning coaches and players to teams at the close of ONLINE registration, completing adjustments to team rosters at the end of LATE ONLINE registration then meeting with coaches at the close of LATE ONLINE registration. Once all the teams have been assigned, players can logon to the online registration system a couple of days prior to Opening Day to check their player's team assignment and the coach will contact you directly soon afterwards to give you more information on the season (practice day/time, etc.).
Email is the main form of communication between the club and members, so please check the email address you used to create your online account regularly during the soccer season. If your email address changes or you have a preferred email address that is different than the one used for your account, please update it in your online profile.
See you on the fields. Have a grrreat season!!